Adaptive Resistance Exercise
for Maximum Results in Plano

What is Adaptive Resistance?

ARX is resistance training technology that uses computer-controlled, motorized resistance instead of weights or other more traditional forms of resistance. This “adaptive resistance” provides safe, controlled, and quantifiable resistance that is of a higher quality than is currently possible with weights found in the world today.

ARX provides the ultimate resistance exercise experience. With its scientifically-backed principles, each repetition perfectly aligns with your movements to give you an exact amount of resistance for maximum effectiveness and efficiency without compromising safety. Experience a workout tailored precisely to your needs!

ARX model


ARX is resistance training technology that uses computer-controlled, motorized resistance in place of weights or other more traditional forms of resistance. This “adaptive resistance” provides safe, controlled, and quantifiable resistance that is of a higher quality than is currently possible with weights found in the world today.

ARX was created using scientifically-backed principles that guarantee you receive the safest, most effective, and most efficient form of resistance exercise in the world.

How Does It Work?

ARX takes the guesswork out of your fitness routine! Our patented Adaptive Resistance™ technology monitors and adjusts resistance in real-time, providing exactly what your body needs during each rep. With force matching capability 100% of the time, it gives you an unparalleled, safe, efficient workout experience – all while achieving perfect reps for every set.

With this advanced system taking care of complicated calculations behind the scenes, there’s no need for any guesswork or tedious weight selection on your part. This revolutionary approach allows users to get more done with less effort. Prepare yourself mentally and focus on achieving peak performance each session.

ARX model
ARX model

Benefits Of ARX

If you’re tired of lifting weights and not seeing the results you want, it’s time to switch to ARX technology. This advanced exercise equipment uses adaptive resistance to provide a more effective and efficient workout than any dumbbell ever could. With ARX, you’ll see significant improvements in strength, endurance, and muscle growth—including:


Breakthrough Adaptive Resistance technology uses patented, motorized resistance and computer software to give you the perfect workout every time.

ARX technology combines computer-controlled, motorized resistance that is capable of matching the force of any user 100% of the time. This gives you the perfect rep, every rep. With perfect resistance, ARX shortens the time you need to exercise while dramatically increasing the safety and effectiveness of all of your workouts.


Real-time feedback on every rep
Perfect resistance = perfect workout
94% more time efficient than weights
More muscle in less time
Track your progress easily

Check Out What Our Clients Say

Don't just take our word for it; check out our client testimonials and see how ARX technology has transformed their fitness journey!