Almost any diet will work if weight loss is your only goal and you follow it religiously. The problem is when you diet and don’t perform resistance exercise, your body sheds muscle tissue and fat. When this happens, your metabolism slows down, and eventually, you regain the fat but not the muscle. This can start a vicious cycle of losing and gaining weight that can last a lifetime. What you want to do is lose the fat while maintaining or increasing your muscle mass. To accomplish this, you must adhere to the three pillars of body transformation: diet, exercise, and accountability. Neglecting any of these pillars is certain to result in failure. At Fit 2-20, you have a personal fitness coach who will design and oversee your every workout. You have a certified nutrition coach who will create an individual diet program based on your body, age, and activity level. Lastly, you have an accountability coach who will help keep you moving forward toward your health and fitness goals.